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PowerPro 오랜만의 버전업 5.1 - [Win]+ 키 조합이 안 될때 해결


실제로는 1년 반만의 버전업이지만 2008년 4.9버전이 나온 이후 작년 초까지 계속 4.9 버전으로 버전업이 간간이 이루어지긴 하였지만 ( / 4.9n9)

PowerPro 홈페이지 방문

참고: [Win]키와 조합된 단축키가 안먹힐 때는 환경설정 Key/Mouse의 Setup 로 들어가서 interception 방식을 바꾸어주시면 됨.

[Win] + ? 조합키가 작동하지 않을 때

[Win] + 조합키가 작동하지 않을 때 interception 방식을 New로 바꾸면 됨


버전업 큰 틀은
1) 멀티 모니터 지원 강화
2) Windows 7 지원 강화
3) 단축키 처리(가로채는) 방식 변경


Version 5.1  (Aug 2012)

Notes for existing PowerPro users:
Initialization of bar position has changed to accommodate multi-monitor support.  If bars are not displaying, use the command Exec.ShowBarInfo attached to a hot key, or ctrl-right click another bar and select "Show Info for all Bars".  This will show the coordinates of all bars.  If the bar in question is off screen, check how you have set its position in any script or imported ini file.
To accommodate multi-monitor support, more options have been provided for setting the initial position and standard dialogs, such as the Debug Window.  You will have to reset your preferences on the Setup|Advanced|Other tab, using drop downs at bottom of dialog.

A new hot key interception method is available which allows you to override standard Win+ keys.  Select "new" on key/mouse setup for key interception method.
If you have been using WM_COPYDATA to send commands to PowerPro, the dwData field for this request has been changed from 1 to 21 in order to support multiple processes.  You will need to make this change if you run secondary PowerPro processes.
PowerPro no longer asks to runs as administrator in Vista and later.  See Installation topic.

new  features

o multi-monitor support added for fixed screen positions and screen bump/corner hot keys.    Note, alarm message, and other dialogs ca set initial position on current display (that is, the display with the mouse).  See setup|advanced|other for other dialog initial positions positions.  GUI options now work with multiple monitors:  pan window, center activated window, move activated window on screen, move newly opened window on screen  will use monitor that the target window is on.  You can specify @displayn for hotkeys target to confine the hotkey that display.

o you can use pcf configuration or cl functions to fine tune button layout; makes most skin settings available this way.
o  Explorer tracking fixed for Win 7.  Adding Exec ToFolder for Win7 which takes advantage of the unified file open and explorer window features of Win7 and allows a  combined favorites bar to be created which works in both
o added support for secondary PowerPro processes
o hot keys can now distinguish left/right shift, win, ctrl, alt using target window

o new hot key interception method allows override of standard Win+ keys
o you can show check marks on plain menus using show check on properties
o added tray plugin for windows 7 usage
o you can turn off processing of special characters in key sending with {lit}
oyou can choose to use html help with option on setup|advanced|configure
oadded help topics to menu obtained by ctrl-right click of bar
o if pproconf.exe started with empty command line, it prompts for file with open dialog, rather than assuming default file.

onotes shadows can be set on note configuration (restart required after change)
o added track service and autostop option to mousegesture plugin
o added when_shown for hidden bars
o added EndFunction statement to mark end of functions to help editors do folding
o you can use return as synonym for quit
o added isuseradmin and lastmodkeys functions
o You can run a command list hookappmessages each time a main window receives a WM_APP

o You can run a command list hookcopydata each time a main window receives a WM_COPYDATA
o You can run a command list hookbarctrlright to replace the standard menu shown when you ctrl-right click a bar; see hookbarctrlright in pproconf folder for starting point.
o  added cl item functions: cl.setctrlfocus, cl.getidindex, cl.getparentlist. cl.keepinpcf, cl.copyfrom, cl.swapwith
 o  added cl whole list functions: cl.keepinpcf, cl.buttonfrompoint,

o  added shutdown.process
o added exec debug autoshow, exec debug common

bug fixes

- fixed display of icons with alpha-channel when using pixel blending and transparency
- fixed desktop hideshowicons
- fixed expanding file dialogs for windows 7
- file dialogs for win7 now recognized by filedialog caption matcher - marker windows now take on transparency of parent bar
- 64 bit applications now supported for autorun command list, show move size window
- fixed  *window under for negative screen coordinates
- rollup now works for windows 7
- {slow} and {sinp} more reliable for extended keys (arrow keys, home, end, pgup, pgdn)

plugin changes

- improved Win 7 compatibility
- added tray plugin
- added display functions to win plugin

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